W3Challs on IRC
Join us on IRC to peacefully discuss about topics related (or not) to W3Challs.

Connection information
Ports:6667, 6697 (SSL, recommended)
You can ask for help on this channel, but please respect the following simple rules:
  1.  Don't spoil challenges. If you can't provide enough information without spoiling, ask if anyone is available for a private chat, and tell us where you think you are (completely lost? very close but can't figure out what's wrong? etc.).
  2. Be patient. People may not be connected at the exact moment you ask your question. It may take time.
  3. Be specific. Tell us the exact title of the challenge, and its category. A link may also be useful.
  4. Don't ask too many questions. We are here to help you when you are really stuck, not to solve the challenge for you.
  5. Do your Google homework. We are not Google, and it's extremely annoying to answer a question that is easily answered by a search engine. Same goes for the forum.
IRC Bot:
You can use our IRC Bot — W3-BoT — on #w3challs. Here is its usage: (it may not be up-to-date)

W3-BoT---[ !help command for option details, !man command for description ]--
W3-BoT-admin: join, nick, part, quit, reload, say
W3-BoT-aliases: a, d, h, j, k, m, s
W3-BoT-challenges: chall, choosechall, ctf, sites, solve, w3c, wechall
W3-BoT-crypto: base64, break, hex, md5, morse, rot, sha1
W3-BoT-exploit: assemble, disassemble
W3-BoT-games: roulette
W3-BoT-misc: chuck, slogan, vdm
W3-BoT-operators: deop, kick, op
W3-BoT-tools: choose, en, fr, google, help, len, man, seen, slap, todo, tr, wtf

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